Monday, August 31, 2009

Things No One Wants to Hear in Bed #1

Many well-greetings Earth people-folk!

This begins a series of posts listing the top 20 things nobody wants to hear during that intimate time in the bedroom. I know there's dozens of lists detailing this exact subject, but I think you'll find a few originals here. There's lines that can be negative for guys, girls, or both. Here's this week's unfortunate phrases:

1: "Whoopsie."
2: "Jango!"
3: "Is that it?"
4: "Maybe we should leave the lights off."
5: "Shazam!"
6: "Oh... it's ok."
7: "You said you were on the pill, right?"
8: "Good for you."
9: "Are you done yet?"
10: "My bologna has a first name..."

11: "Don't worry, it's not contagious."
12: "Is that how it's supposed to look?"
13: "I thought you said you were a 'grower?'"
14: "Wait, wait, I need another Extenze..."
15: "Ew! Sorry, I guess I just sobered up."
16: "I'm gonna call you Gonzo."
17: "Oh yeah, it's so much better when you're inflamed."
18: "No, it's ok. That's just pus."
19: "Oh K-Fed!"
20: "Do you have health insurance?"

Eh, they can't all be golden. Comment your own if you care to.

With all the usual tidings


  1. "...I'm sorry to stop you there, but I've decided to become a nun. Toodles."
